In continues effort to help those in need while enforcing our companies value, the following organizations are programs/resources we strongly believe in.
Each Non- Profit is donated a percentage of sales from selected product purchases to provide in aid.
Please feel free to donate as you please or share/look over these companies to further help others in need or self.
Stay Safe,
Yasighra Arts
The Kitty Condo Strays ♥
Help These Queens, NYC Strays continue to provide food & shelter, plus vet bills, Thank you!
(6 Strays and a Momma with 5 Kittens)
As seen on TikTok:
💌🧡 "Cuidadito" - In Honor & Respect to all Women, Children & Men who are victims of Abuse, Neglect, Violence, & Homelessness $5 of every Purchase made will be directly donated to the largest NYC Victim Assistance Organization Safe Horizon that helps house, provide & create safety measures for those in need. In Spanish, Cuidadito is a term used to warn & express to another to "Watch it". For all those who have fallen victim to harm, I hope you are found & helped ♥ For those who are unable to speak, May those who can - do their part to speak for them ♥
For Respect, For Empowerment, For Courage, For Strength. Cuidadito.
These donations will help assist victims of Sexual/ Domestic Abuse, Neglect, Homelessness, Trafficking, Etc. Your donations will provide help feed families, clothe, pay for medical and mental services.